The Entity 1982[fulL mOVie]

Release : 1982-09-30
Rating : 6.4/10 by 186 users
Runtime : 125 min.
Companies : American Cinema Productions
Country : United States of America
Genre : Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Stars : Barbara Hershey, Ron Silver, David Labiosa, George Coe, Margaret Blye, Jacqueline Brookes
Overview : Barbara Hershey stars as Carla Moran, a hard-working single mother until the night she is raped in her bedroom by someone - or something - that she cannot see. Despite skeptical psychiatrists, she is repeatedly attacked in her car, in the bath, and in front of her children. Could this be a case of hysteria, a manifestation of childhood sexual trauma, or something even more horrific?

The Entity Official Trailer 1982
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